Kana Balls

by FalsinSoft



This game allow to learn Hiragana and Katakana characters set. Basically the goal of the game is to match the two characters set that can be combined in all ways, Romaji with Hiragana, Romaji with Katakana, Hiragana with Katakana and so on. Two type balls will drop down containing same character but in two different kana tables. You have to drag the balls of one color over the ball of different color contaning the kana character you think will match with the moving ball. In case of error a green color will indicate the correct match.NOTE: Please, understand I develop this app in my free time and I have a limited number of devices I could use to test it. This mean I can not guarantee this app will work well in all existing android devices around. If you have problems try to contact me through email or Twitter instead to leave some useless negative comment here.